Sorry Pete, I tried to hold him off


Q: This seems like a cruel sport, after such a long match for someone to have to lose, how do you feel?
A: "Thank you for cheering for me, Thanks to roger, he deserves everything he gets, he is a true champion, Sorry Pete, I tried to hold him off (laughter from the crowd). It’s an honor to play here in front of these great players too. I still hope one day my name will be up there with theirs as a winner of this tournament."

"Sorry Pete, I tried to hold him off"と言えるのがピカイチ洒落てる。「ごめんよピート、(フェデラーの記録更新を)なんとか食い止めようとしたんだけどね」ぐらいの意味ですかね。4時間以上死力を尽くした後に言える言葉じゃない。ロディックおそるべし。しかし、フェデラーは強い。


決勝、そしてちょっと淋しい: 帰国ゴコロ